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Isa Oorthuis, Antoine Wartner and Laura Corts teamed up to design a potential campaign for as part of Isa’s graduation project. The goal for this campaign was, besides the growth of the platform, to solve the problem that we, as people living in a digital era, lose a lot of documents. We try to capture everything all the time, but what is its worth if all these thousands of pictures, videos and other important files get lost in our maze of harddrives anyways?

For this campaign we’ve worked with multiple media outcomes, such as posters, a short film, a (digital, interactive) book and other printed matter like stickers and informational flyers. Both coding and Adobe programs are combined while working on this project.

It Knows Or It Will Know is a speculative short film about the future of surveillance and how this could possibly affect our privacy. Throughout the film, you follow a young man who is, at first, unaware of being tracked and followed by public surveillance cameras. The film builds up to a point where all his information is gathered and he runs away from the consequences of a sensitive information leak.

Laura Corts worked together with Bodi K. Vleij to produce a soundscape that supports the buildup of the film. It Knows Or It Will Know premiered at Focus filmtheatre in Arnhem.

Self-initiated Work is a hand printed and hand bound book that contains research exploring and questioning the fine line between self-initiated and commissioned projects within the design field. 9 graphic designers were involved in the process of creating the content for this publication, mainly throughout interviews and talks. Besides that there is a separate chapter about how to fund these projects, which is useful for every designer. All the outcomes eventually translated into this publication.

This book is made in collaboration with Julia Gerritsen and Tamara Oskam. Special thanks to Dana Dijkgraaf, Danny van der Kleij, Daniel Maarleveld, Donna Verheijden, Experimental Jetset, Jungmyung Lee, Team Thursday, Vera van de Seyp and Yuri Veerman.